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The Effects of Brexit

I've read lots of stuff about possible outcomes, but some seem most plausible:
  • GDP loss of 2%
  • Business loss to EU as trade is tougher, but maybe better for northern-based old school trade
  • Loss of some businesses that will partially relocate to the EU, e.g., finance and technology
Commentary from Krugman, whom I trust:
The straight economics is clear: Brexit would make Britain poorer. It wouldn’t necessarily lead to a trade war, but it would definitely hurt British trade with the rest of Europe, reducing productivity and incomes. My rough calculations, which are in line with other estimates, suggest that Britain would end up about two percent poorer than it would otherwise be, essentially forever. That’s a big hit.

London and southeast England would be hit hard, but Brexit would probably mean a weaker pound, which might actually help some of the old manufacturing regions of the north.
My own take on possible sociopolitical outcomes:
  • Reduction in immigration
  • Although the ruling elite might change, it is more likely a further swing to the right, as UK will be less under the influence of civilizing EU
  • Increased anti-immigrant sentiment and laws
  • Reduced ability to travel and work in EU for UK youth
Again, commentary from Krugman:
And that’s where Boris Johnson’s tirade against President Obama is so wonderfully clarifying. It tells us who the anti-EU wing of the Conservatives really are; it tells us not just that they are pretty close to UKIP, but that intellectually and emotionally they live in the same fever swamps as the American right. And they would, all too probably, take on a strong, even dominant role in British politics post-Brexit.
Another, easy to digest take...


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